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Name: DeeDee Halleck, Democracy in Media Activist
Retired University Professor 

Independent Filmmaker


New Book! Hand Held Visions: the Uses of Community Media Published by Fordham University

Prof. Halleck


Paper Tiger Television
Independent Media Center

Deep Dish TV


The Independent

Bread & Puppoet


Research: DeeDee Halleck is a media activist and founder of Paper Tiger Television and co-founder of the Deep Dish Satellite Network. Her first film, "Children Make Movies" (1961), was about a film-making project at the Lillian Wald Settlement in Lower Manhattan. "Mural on Our Street" was nominated for Academy Award in 1965. She has led media workshops with elementary school children, reform school youth and migrant farmers. In 1976 she was co-director of the Child-Made Film Symposium, which was a fifteen year assessment of media by youth throughout the world. 

As president of the Association of Independent Video and Film Makers (AIVF) in the seventies, she led a media reform campaign in Washington, testifying twice before the House Sub-Committee on Telecommunication. She has served as a trustee of the American Film Institute, Women Make Movies and the Instructional Telecommunications Foundation. She has authored numerous articles in Film Library Quarterly, Film Culture, High Performance, The Independent, Leonardo, Afterimage and other media journals.

In 1989 she received a Guggenheim Fellowship. She has organized installations at the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Austrian Triennial of Photography, the Wexner Center, the Berkeley Museum, New Langdon Arts and the Gallery at the San Francisco Art Institute. She received two Rockefeller Media Fellowships for "The Gringo in Mañanaland," a feature film about stereotypes of Latin Americans in U.S. films, which was featured at the Venice Film Festival, the London Film Festival and which won a special jury prize at the Trieste Festival for Latin American Film. She coordinated a twelve part series on the prison industrial complex in the United States entitled, "Bars and Stripes." She is one of the founders of the Independent Media Center Movement, which has created alternative media centers in thirty-eight cities around the world.

Her current film project is "Ah: the Hopeful Pageantry of Bread and Puppet," a ten year document of the experimental theater group. She is on the board of the Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers, Deep Dish Network, the Independent Media Center and is a member of the MacBride Roundtable on International Communication. Her book, Hand Held Visions: the Uses of Community Media, will be published by Fordham University Press in Spring 2001. She is currently developing a national daily news program in collaboration with Deep Dish TV. 


Films: "The Gringo in Mañanaland," 1995. 

"Cuba Video Summit" (with Scott, Cathy & Martinez, CheChe) 1992. 

"Ends and Means: History and Consequences of Anti-Communism in the United States;" Half-hour documentary based on a conference at Harvard University, November, 1988. 

"Video Happening" at the American Film Institute Video Festival. 1986.

"Paper Tiger" Video Installation at the Whitney Museum, NYC. 1985.

"Barco de la Paz," 1984. Distributor: Fellowship of Reconciliation.

"Waiting for the Invasion: US Citizens in Nicaragua," 1983. Distributed by Skip Blumberg.


Articles: Halleck, DeeDee, "Cyber Activism, Independents and the PBS Fortress: can the tactics of Seattle apply?" (soon to be available at Independent Media Center

Halleck, DeeDee, "Resource Allocation in Independent Media Production: Problems and Prospects"

Halleck, DeeDee, "Zapatistas On Line"

Halleck, DeeDee, "The Grassroots Media of Paper Tiger Television and the Deep Dish Satellite Network," Crash Media, issue 2, May 1998. Halleck, DeeDee, "Perpetual Shadows" for Erik Barnouw Festschrift, Wide Angle Volume, 1998.

Halleck, DeeDee, "Guerillas in Our Midst" Afterimage, The Journal of Media Arts and Criticism, vol. 26(2) Fall, 1998.

Halleck, DeeDee, "Remembering Shirley" Afterimage, The Journal of Media Arts and Criticism Spring, 1998.

Halleck, DeeDee, "From Public Access to Geostationary Orbit: The Grass Roots Media of Paper Tiger Television and Deep Dish Community Network"; United Nations World Forum, January 1998.

Halleck, DeeDee, "Las imagenes contradictorias del Mexico de Gene Autry: Un analisis de dos Peliculas", Mexico Estados Unidos: Encuentros y desencuentros en el Cine, Ignacio Duran, Ivan Trujillo and Monica Verea, editors, 1996 

"DeeDee Halleck and Bob Hercules", Art Out There..Toward a Publicly Engaged Art Practice, Edited by Jean Fulton, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1996.



Interview with DeeDee Halleck
by Jakob Weingartner

DeeDee Speaking to Paper Tiger about Mainstream Medial

DeeDee on Television House (streaming audio interview)  Paper Tiger Television, 6:19 min Dee Dee Halleck For the last fifteen years, thousands of Manhattan Cable subscribers have enjoyed the intelligent, irreverent, ultra-low-budget antics of Paper Tiger Television.



Dee Dee is no longer teaching courses @ UCSD. She is currently retiring in Upstate New York where she has lived and commuted for over 20 years. However, you are welcomed to Email her at

Communication 110: Cinema in Latin America (winter 1999)
Communication 110: Cinema in Latin America (winter 1998)
Communication 175: Special Topics In Communication: Media In Cuba


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